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Id like to go to the 3

来源:儿童故事 时间:2018-08-16 点击:


I love Hollywood films.Most of the big Hollywood films that I will go to the movie theater to see it,but now haven"t to see.What a pity!
these days if you are some one who always look at the news, you will find the bugs make everyone be afraid, these kind of bugs have have strong toxic, they are small, but if you didn"t treat his body in a right way it will make you a lot of trouble.
be careful ,the bugs are around you.
i want to go abroad to improve my major. well, i don"t have enough money.but ,one of my friend alwahow to make moneyys encourage me to do as you think,just not considering too much.she suggsts me to broden my horizon only if you have experienced something.for example, if you want to study more about economics,perhaps america is the bestoption.she now is busy prepareing for her what she told me, it"s time for me to prepare my test.however, my english is so poor even though i have learned so long time,expeciamake moneylly my oral english.going abroad is better to someone who majors in economic.after all, it"s the west who create this subject.yet how can i dealwith the high family probably couldn"t afford it. let me make a family is always supporting me to do what i think was, if i told the idea ,they must exhaust their ability to help me to realize this dream.but, it just only increahow to make money infose my guilty.i just want my parents live a happy and comfortable life.well, as we all know, affluent material life and rich spiritual life can be regard as the standard of a life of happiness.maybe that is why i choos this subject.but,everyting is not going as what i thought. now if wanting to find a princely income job,i推荐访问:go to the school




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